Keep up the good work, Kimani, which you pioneered more than ten years ago - me being one of your proud subjects. As a result, many academic dissertations have been written about prison literature in general, and specifically about some of us who produced it.
Thank you very much ndugu Abdilatif for those nice words. I really enjoyed my interview with you and am posting it here shortly. I am looking forward to another round of picking your brains about African Literature and especially poetry. Thank you very much Prof.
Thanks Bro for dragging the darkness of such incarceration into the light for scrutiny!
Thanks Don. Do you remember reading Three Days on the Cross by the late Wahome Mutahia as part of our coursework? These works are illuminating.
Keep up the good work, Kimani, which you pioneered more than ten years ago - me being one of your proud subjects. As a result, many academic dissertations have been written about prison literature in general, and specifically about some of us who produced it.
Thank you very much ndugu Abdilatif for those nice words. I really enjoyed my interview with you and am posting it here shortly. I am looking forward to another round of picking your brains about African Literature and especially poetry. Thank you very much Prof.
Oh my gosh!! This is just fabulous!! Thank you Msanii Kimani for this. You ROCK!!
Thank you Annemarie. Keep it here for more.
Great work buddy 🙏🏿
thank you Makadem. My way of working during this Plandemic. Keep the good work too.