African Literature & Comics
African Literature and Comics has grown in leaps and bounds over the years. Pioneer writers like the late Chinua Achebe, Prof Ngugi wa Thiongo, Elechi Amadi, Mariama Ba, Sembene Ousmane, Wole Soyinka, Cyprian Ekwensi, Mongo Beti, and many others charted a beautiful path that has been followed by many others.
“African literature may be classified into three distinctly and widely accepted categories- traditional oral literature of Africa, literature written in indigenous African languages and literature written in European languages.” It is rich. It is vibrant. It is detailed. It has fulfilled and continues to fulfil the role of Literature in Society.
On this platform we will talk and walk into this beautiful world of African Literature and Comics.
It will also be about CONVERGENCE.
The convergence of the pen and pencil; the written word and doodling. the convergence of the authors and cartoonists with a bias to Africa; the stories; the conversations around these art forms and their concerns; the voices in these spaces. We will speak to the shapers, the movers, the enthusiasts. We will cover it from all the angles.
In the African Literature & Comics, I will upload articles/posts that I have written and researched on. But I also want the subscribers of the newsletter to be part of the community. Inform some of the needs that I ought to focus on. As a regular thing that I would like to establish, is idea where the subscribers can ask their favouritewriter/cartoonist questions.
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